Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dance Moms: The Horrendous Trainwreck Where You Just Can't Look Away...

What does one do when they don't have teh internets to keep them busy, but a DanceMoms marathon is on the Lifetime channel?

One watches DanceMoms.

It's like Toddlers and Tiaras, minus the go-go juice and the creepily made up kids that look like adults. But the moms... oh the moms have striking similarities.

Seriously, I watch it out of fear, bewilderment, shame, embarrassment and pure curiosity.

If you remember, curiosity killed the cat. So I'm screwed.

I'm sure many-a-kid watches it for the dancing, what little girl didn't dance when they were in elementary school? Heck, even I danced. However, my version of DanceMoms was slightly skewed from what they show on TV. It involved more coffee and cigarettes and housecoats.

I watch it solely for the moms. The more over the top, the more I get hooked in. The more they cat fight, the more I watch. It's like The Real Housewives of (insert your favourite city here) combined with Toddlers & Tiaras. I'm sure some of this is scripted in one way or another. It's almost too fake. But it reeled me in.

And honestly, I'm not ashamed to admit that I watch it, afterall, admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery, right?

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